BS20 K Pneumatic stamping with hot stamping

The BS20 S is a stamping machine that works primarily on heel seat linings, extremely versatile is designed to work on other materials such as leather, plastic, promotional items, etc.


  • Printer power KG 400 to 6 BAR
  • Pneumatic stamping with hot stamping
  • Belt feed with electric motor
  • Porta cliché 80×60 with 250W-24V resistance
  • A digital thermoregulator
  • Mechanical stop for power control
  • Front Safety guard with micro SW
  • Safety Key
  • SlingBar for web tension
  • Two-hand start buttons synchronized
  • 230V single phase
  • EC standard
  • Serial number
  • Instruction Manual


  • Safety gates hand protection, 140mm coverage
  • Cliché door 4-seater rotary
  • Mobile hand-pushed cart
  • Optical drive 5 lines cross

Our other machines

BS21 S

BS21 S

Printing numeric machine for linings



Printing machine for leather goods

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BS30 S3

Heat stamping machine

BS20 S

BS20 S

Pneumatic stamping with hot stamping

BS30 2

BS30 2

Stamping pneumatic soles

TR 15

TR 15

Pneumatic wheel trimmer

Vigevano Inbocsav srl

Viale Indipendenza, 49 Vigevano (PV)
Telephone 0381 42512


We are open fdrom monday to friday,
from 8.30am to alle 12.30am and from 2.00pm to 6.00pm.

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